Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Bentley has fallen in love with drawing, and it's been fun to watch as he has definitely been improving! It also means that I don't have to draw everything for him, first (although I don't actually mind doing that-- it's about time all the doodling I did in high school and college finally paid off!)

Like any true artist, he is also convinced that he can save the world with his artwork. He wants to give his pictures to everyone from Grandma, to our neighbor, to taxi drivers. He just knows that these pictures will make everyone happier. So far everyone has been very gracious about receiving these presents. We haven't managed to give one to a taxi driver just yet, though.

These are tiger sharks and sea turtles. And up above them is a map.

A monster truck

This is Mac the truck taking Lightning McQueen to his next race

Not bad, huh?


)en said...

Ah! Kid drawings are the BEST. Love that monster truck (and all monster trucks). I know an artist guy who has a separate blog for his son and puts up all his drawings and gives them an artist's critique. It's great.

Natalie R. said...

Those are quite impressive, good work, Bentley! Samuel is just starting to try to color between lines, it's fun to watch them learn new talents. :0)

Nancy said...

I love when the scribbles start turning into recognizable things. Linus just started drawing people and the other day he drew an airplane. It looks a bit like a whale, but I can see how it's an airplane.

Angie said...

I'm seriously impressed!

Liz said...

Well with you as a mom, I would suspect all of your kids will be champion drawers! I still remember all those amazing cartoons you drew in high school (probably when we were supposed to be doing something else ;)

ps: I can't wait to see you soon!! T-minus what? 6 weeks or something? (Um, oh wow I just realized it's getting closer!! ;)

Nicole said...

art CAN save the world.

so says this humanist, anyway. :D