Saturday, April 13, 2013

Not So Idle Threats

It was two years ago that Craig planted a cherry blossom tree in our front yard for me.  And I'd been begging to have one for two years before that.  So when it never bloomed, I was disappointed.  I assumed that it had been mislabeled at Lowe's and wasn't a cherry blossom tree after all.  For the last few weeks, I've been trying to figure out if it would be worth chopping the stupid thing down and finding a tree that would actually get some flowers for me.

Apparently it knew its life was in danger, because it finally produced a few blossoms for me:
Yeah, there were probably about ten flowers on the entire tree.  But it's better than nothing!  I'll take it.

Who knew that threatening a tree would actually work?

I wonder what else I can get it to do...


Patrice said...

Maybe you could threaten my cherry tree!!

Nancy said...


Natalie R. said...

Just remember Mom's apple tree that never ever ever grew a single apple... Until we'd had it for about 20 years. So 10 blossoms in just two years is actually pretty good! ;0)