Monday, April 1, 2013

What Every Girl Needs

Today I was on my own.  Not only did Craig have to go to work, he also had class tonight, so it was just me and the kids ALL DAY LONG.  Plus, we'd cleverly kept them out way past their bed time last night, so Ryder was super tired and grumpy.  Fun!  And, the plans I'd had to hang out with a friend and her kids (and thus entertain my kids) fell through, so it really was just me and the four of them for the long haul.

But despite that, I SURVIVED.  Not only did I survive, I actually got a few things accomplished.  I folded and put away three (3!!!) loads of laundry.  I took the kids to the park, even if we didn't last for very long-- it was windy and Colton got cold and cranky very quickly.  I also dragged them all to Target (yay for Easter candy on sale!  boo on the fact that they were already out of Reese's Peanut Butter eggs...).  I kept everyone fed and dressed.  We ate dinner together.  Well, I ate a slice of pizza, and then cut it all up into small slices so they could feed themselves while I fed the baby.  I got everyone to bed, except Colton who wanted to see Daddy.  And I vacuumed the downstairs and had the house in a not-too-messy state before I went to bed.

I'm pretty proud of myself.  Now I just have to keep it up for three more weeks until Craig's schedule calms down a bit and he can start coming home at a decent hour and helping me again!  But at least I got off to a good start.

Now this is slightly embarrassing to admit, but I think one of the things that has helped me is that I've picked a theme song for myself:

I don't know why, but somehow this just makes me feel like I can do it all.  Everyone needs a song that makes them feel like that.


Patrice said...

You are amazing (and on fire!).

Anne said...

Love it and love it! Good job!!!

Natalie R. said...

Good job! That's really awesome that you got so much accomplished, I'm very impressed!!