Monday, October 28, 2013

Little Stick Figures Explain Me So Well

My cousin put this on facebook.  That second stick figure should be me.

This is also how I feel about shrimp and crawfish.  Because, as Dave Barry pointed out, they're all basically giant cockroaches that happen to live underwater.  Nothing about them makes them okay to eat.  I still get creeped out when I remember the time I was eating scrambled eggs on a cruise and realized there were tiny shrimps in there.  They had little black beady eyes


Image taken from


Patrice said...

I love this post!

)en said...

Gross! EYES! That's where I draw the line.

I feel pretty much the same. There has to be some amount of convincing myself that it's good, it's fine, it's tasty. It's good, it's fine, it's tasty. People do this. But yeah.. now that you've put that feeling into words-- that they're giant underwater cockroaches, I'm not sure i'll be able to stomach it again. That's fine.

Jen Evans said...

I went to Ikea one day and they were having a crawfish buffet and I made the children run to the door with me. Anything that can be found in a creek behind my cousin's house should not be eaten. And shrimp always gross me out too.

Liz said...

Happy to see you discovered XKCD!! Very funny comic. :)