Sunday, October 6, 2013

PhotoDynamic Time!

It turns out I have a ton of pictures that haven't made it onto the blog yet. So I'm remedying that now.

Like, right now:
Ryder built a pillow fort and insisted that I put Colton in it with him.

Good times!

Colton napping in my arms at church.  Yes, I took a picture during church.  I am bad to the bone.

Happy Colton, happy Mommy

Apparently this was the first time our kids had seen popcorn being popped somewhere other than inside a microwave.  It was thrilling.

Not a great picture, but there are three deer here, all with pretty impressive antlers.  All in our backyard!

My children hanging out with a penguin.  And I'm not even sure why Bentley is wearing his swimsuit, but you know, why not?  Also, I like that Colton looks very alarmed by this whole set up...

Sleeping Colton, miraculously not waking up as my camera flash goes off.  He still likes to be swaddled, but I always leave that arm out for thumb-sucking purposes.

Except he'll usually work his other arm out of the swaddler, too.  And, in this case, he worked that arm all the way out of his clothes!

The look on his face cracks me up-- he is so smug the way he's sucking on his bottom lip.

This was during Bentley's soccer practice, Kendra & Ryder wandered off to play.  They look like they're lost in the wild or something...

Later, they decided to have fun with the coach's cones...

Nothing like a little toes snack during church...

Bentley got a scooter for his birthday, which he was very excited to ride to school.  (Unfortunately, this meant Mommy had to carry it home from school-,in addition to carrying Colton and pushing Ryder in the stroller.  So scooter riding to school will have to be reserved for special occasions.  But I was glad that Bentley was having fun!)

Ryder and his friend Oscar at the park

It was just an orange kind of day...

Ryder, waiting for Daddy to come home...

Colton is all ready to go shopping!

And I love this: here is Craig dressed up for his school's homecoming week.  The theme that day was "Decades" so Craig is supposed to look like he's come from the 1940s.  I think my man looks good!  And apparently, with the glasses, none of his students recognized him.  Proving once again that Craig is basically the same as Clark Kent.

I wasn't kidding when I said I had a lot of pictures!  But check back in soon-- I've got a good story for you next time!


W Hansen said...

Two pictures from church, you rebel. Also...I love those swaddlers. Nurses are amazing at swaddling, but I am not. So this is my lifesaver for Ellie sleeping so well.

Emily said...

Oh, Alanna! They are SO cute! I can't believe how big those kiddos have gotten!

Nancy said...

I almost turned around during sacrament meeting last week to take a picture of our hometeacher with his newborn and two year old both curled up on him. The newborn was asleep, the 2 year old was just cuddly. But, I figured I shouldn't just snap pictures in church. Nor do I know him well. And I'm pretty sure my phone's camera is really loud.