Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Things I Think About When I Ought to Be Doing Something Else

Back at the end of last May, there was a flurry of people freaking out about some hippie couple-- Heather and Adam Hana (or possibly Barringer-- accounts vary)-- who had decided to move to Hawaii so they could have a dolphin-assisted water birth.  Pretty much every news source-- from Jezebel to marine biologists to MSNBC-- agreed that it was a terrible idea.  The marine biologists, usually the champion of dolphins, pointed out that giving birth amongst highly intelligent carnivorous predators, (and in a habitat to which they are uniquely adapted and you are NOT) was just asking for problems.

Even me, lover of whales and natural birth, figured these guys were certifiable.  And while I'd give them decent odds that things would turn out just fine (just because birth does tend to go fine more often than not), my stomach still turned when I considered the very real danger they were blithely putting their baby in just because dolphins are "cool."

So what I'm wondering now is, WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?  She was due in early July, so she definitely had the baby by now.

I did about ten minutes of internet research and found absolutely no follow-up about these guys at all.  Even their facebook page had nothing, except a couple people asking how it went (and a spot where you could donate money.  Of course).  Those queries had been left unanswered.

How totally rude is that???  If you're going to announce to the world that you've come up with the stupidest plan ever, I think the least you can do is get back to us and tell us how it actually went.

1 comment:

Patrice said...

I can tell you that you come by your obsessiveness honestly as I also researched this ( thanks to you!).
I discovered that the woman who was the driving force
behind dolphin births passed away of natural causes
last summer, so maybe that put a damper on the whole thing. What a strange story!