Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Bunch of Pictures of Colton

I'm addicted to taking pictures of my sleeping baby.  Mostly because a) cell phones don't make noise, so it doesn't wake him and b) usually I'm going in there to wake him up anyway so even if it did, that wouldn't be a problem.  And I HATE waking him up, so this is something I do to stall.  It is in no way a creepy thing to do.

Colton has finally joined the wall of baby portraits.  (He's the one with the hat on!)

I already admitted I have a problem.  Can we just let it go already???

Think of these next four shots as being part of a series.  Like in a photo booth or something...

This one especially cracks me up!

Picking the big kids up from school (the reason I'm always waking him up).

He really does love sticking his tongue out.  It makes him happy.  And me, too.

So happy!

Except when he's not!  I have no idea what he was so upset about, but it was kind of funny.  We are not glamorous criers, my kids and I!

I finally let him have goldfish crackers.  He was delighted.  Naturally.
"I can't put my arms down!  I can't put my arms down!!!"

And that's my baby!  Although he won't be a baby for much longer-- in just two days he will officially be 11 months old!  My, but times flies, doesn't it?


Patrice said...

Colton is growing up so quickly & gets cuter every day!

Anne said...

I love these pictures! I feel like I know Colton a little better now! And waking up babies to pick up bigger kids is the WORST!!!