Friday, February 28, 2014

Mystery Solved

A strange thing about me is that I hate cutting my fingernails and usually don't bother unless they break (or look like they ought to be used for doing cocaine.  Whichever comes first).  But at the same time, I also hate it when my toenails grow at all.  I used to cut them obsessively because I just can't stand when they scrape against the sheets when I'm trying to sleep (or read in bed or nap or whatever).  But recently, it's like I can't find the time to cut those blasted toenails!  And while I don't think they've ever gotten bad enough that any normal person would see them and think twice about their length, I've still sort of wondered what was wrong with me that this was slipping by the wayside.

And then Craig pointed out that I am currently in charge of keeping 100 toe- and fingernails at their proper length.

Well that explains it!

1 comment:

Juliana said...

Haha! At least Craig is self-reliant!