Wednesday, March 5, 2014

So Close, and Yet...

With all the cold and snow, I get hungry for color.  I can hardly wait for the grass to turn green again and for the brilliant blue of the sky to come back.  I get so tired of everything looking washed out and grey, dirty and frozen.  It's why I get so excited when I see cardinals in all their red glory.

So when I looked out the window and saw a flash of brilliant orange, I had to examine it further.  I suspected it might just be garbage, but it certainly seemed to have a leaf shape to it, and I wondered if it was possible for a leaf to still have retained such a bright color this long.  I craned my neck every which way trying to see if better through the window, but finally had to send Craig out to retrieve it for me.  (Because I was certainly not going outside!!!  Too cold!)  I told him if it was garbage to just throw it away, but if it was a leaf, I wanted to see it.

Craig is very nice to me, so he pulled on his shoes and coat and headed right out.  When he came back in he was laughing.  "Well, it is a leaf..." he began, and then showed it to me.

It was a small leaf that had been spray painted utility orange. 



Patrice said...

A friend who lived in Alaska for several years said she missed smells during the winter since snow covered everything so there were no bushes or grasses to smell. Sorry the leaf was painted!

Natalie R. said...

So you were right on both accounts - it was a leaf, and garbage! Sometimes we take what we can get, right? ;0)