Monday, March 24, 2014

The Birthday Post

So, yes, my little baby turned one.  Nothing like a baby to make time go by so fast and so slow all at the same time!  We had a fun day of it-- I showed him pictures of when he was just born and he smiled and pointed at them.  We gave him his first cupcake ever and sang to him and held the phone to his ear while other people sang to him and let him (sort of) open presents.  Birthdays are wonderful.  And then, a few days later we did it all over again with Grandma and Grandpa! 

I'm glad we get some time to celebrate my little guy!

And now, here are WAY too many pictures of it all!!!

Right after we blew out his candle for him.  He was slightly disappointed not to get to touch the flame...

But he got over that pretty quickly

Facetiming with his Kentucky cousins
Opening presents

I love how perfectly Japanese he looks kneeling here!

Cute little feet!

A pile of presents bigger than he is!

His first tool kit from Aunt Leah!

Bentley and Ryder find ways to distract themselves from the temptation of opening Colton's presents for him
Happy little boy!

Happy little boy with a hammer!

So typical: Kendra and Ryder play with his new toys, while he's off to explore all these amazing boxes!
Oh, I love my little Colton!  How happy I am that he's part of our family!  Happy birthday, Colton!


Patrice said...

Happy birthday, Colton! What an adorable, wonderful little boy!

Nancy said...

Your kids get so many presents! How do you have room for everything? That pile is huge!!

Natalie R. said...

Happy birthday, Colton!!!! I'm so glad he had such a good birthday, and I'm glad we had a chance to FaceTime with him!! Bentley and Ryder upside down was hilarious, btw. I can't believe little Colton is already one - where does the time go?!?!