Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Colton turned one last week.  And this is NOT the official birthday post where I tell you all about that rather significant event.  But this IS the post where I tell you a quick story that relates to it all, and share one picture as a "teaser."  Because I can drive a blog-plot forward like that!

So at his one-year check up, Colton's doctor was slightly concerned with the fact that he is neither talking at all NOR is he pulling himself up to standing.  Once I prop him against something he can stay there for ages, but he hasn't managed to really get there by himself yet.  And while he does babble all the time to me, none of it seems to be making any sense or have any real meaning behind it just yet.  So, my answer to both of these was (slightly sad) No. 

Now, I am not prone to worrying over my kids.  I'm saving that for when they're teenagers.  And so far they've managed to get to every milestone sooner or later, so if it's a few months later, I don't think that matters too much.  (It helps that my Mom informs me that I was kind of late to speak and to read, and I think I'm plenty smart, so I'm not inclined to place a lot of faith in these milestones as markers of intellect or ability to succeed in life or whatever it is that we as parents are hoping to find evidence of when we brag about all this stuff.)  But I will admit, that I left the doctor's office wondering if maybe I ought to be worrying more about my baby. 

So naturally, when I got him from his afternoon nap that same day, he was proudly standing up in his crib.  All by himself.  I thought about emailing the doctor to tell him, but figured he probably didn't actually care that much.

So yes, Colton has finally figured out how to pull himself up to standing!  Happy Day!

Except, as is often the case, this has introduced a whole new set of problems.  Because now when I put him in his crib for some sleepy time, he pops up like a little jack-in-the-box, and then cries and cries because he can't figure out how to get back down and he can't sleep standing there.  So it turns out this whole standing up business is not all it's cracked up to be.

This is what parenting is all about, folks!

Here's the teaser I promised.  More of this to come!


W Hansen said...

Doctor's tell you not to compare kids or worry about some milestones because every kid is different, and then in the appointment they always make me feel horrible if they aren't at those accomplishments. It's also happened many times that I say no at the checkup and then 2 days later they do it. seven month is standing up and it's horrible. Nothing is safe, and that crying in the crib...not fun! I'd rather have an one year old who couldn't do it.

Natalie R. said...

Kids just love to tease don't they?? A friend on Facebook was just telling about her son who has stopped saying words he used to say, and they got all scared. So they took him to a specialist who did lots of tests, and at the end said (laughingly), you have a very stubborn boy who likes to tease! Kids definitely do things on their own time in their own way, :0) I'm glad he stood up that day so you didn't feel like you needed to worry anymore.