Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Progress on the Colton Front

I feel like after a winter of army crawling around our little home, Colton is blossoming along with the spring weather.  He's been really full-on crawling for a while now, but I keep forgetting to mention it here.  He crawls with an adorably proud strut that brings to mind a lion cub, lifting his hands high and deliberate in front of him.  I love it.  Every time I watch him, it makes me laugh.

And while I know I blogged about him standing for the first time right after his doctor's appointment, I need to also explain that it took him a few more weeks to figure out how to get down from standing.  During those few weeks it just became habit to put him down for a nap, and then go back every ten minutes and keep laying him down until he finally fell asleep.  It's nice not having to do that any more!

He's very good at climbing stairs and does it every chance he gets.  And I finally got that other baby gate up, so I'm not going crazy trying to keep him away from the stairs.  We still haven't tackled going back down again.  I'm just not ready for that yet.

And then this last week, he has started standing without holding anything.  Sometimes he'll let go of whatever he's standing against, and a few times he's even tried standing up with nothing to hold onto at all.  These are, of course, big steps towards walking, and I'm excited for him to get to that stage.  I know, I know-- it will mean chasing him down and worrying about him running into the street.  But it will also mean taking him to the park (it's no fun trying to crawl through the bark there right now!) and outside in the grass (he's still afraid of the grass right now) and maybe even not having to carry him the entire time we're at the library and picking up the kids from school.  So I feel the perks outweigh the difficulties here.

So let's hope for some walking-- they can't ALL wait until they're 16 months old, can they?

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

That's so exciting, I love getting to watch babies/toddlers learn so many new things!!! Way to go, Colton!! It would be awesome if he could start to walk during the early summer so it would be easier to be at the parks with him!