Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Best Laid Plans...

It's spring break!  And this year, unlike last year, we're actually having perfect, warm-but-not-humid spring weather for our spring break and we are loving it.  Everything is blooming (even my reluctant cherry blossom tree!) and it feels like the Garden of Eden.  So naturally, we're leaving town.  This made me a teensy bit sad (even though I'm the one who planned this excursion).  But the trip is to see most of my family, so I can't complain.  But it did seem a shame to leave Virginia when it's so perfect like this.

The plan was to leave this morning as soon as possible.  And we told some friends of ours (who used to live here and are coming back for a quick visit) that they could stay in our home tonight.  Everything was set!

But when I got all the kids breakfast, Kendra mentioned that her throat hurt.  And then she proceeded to curl up in a blanket and lay on the couch looking sad and dejected.  Poor Kendra!  When she's sick, it's like every part of her just droops. As we scurried around trying to gather everything and shove it into suitcases and leave the house clean for our guests, Kendra fell asleep on the couch.  Not a good sign.  I finally began to believe her claims that she had strep throat.

Just for the record, you need to understand there hat Kendra just HAD strep throat.  In fact, she just finished her antibiotics 6 days ago.  She had it, and so did Colton and Craig.  So for her to think she had it again put me in a quandary: do I believe her, because she knows what she's talking about?  Or do I not believe her cause who gets strep throat twice in one month?!

Oh, that's right.  My best friend and her kids just had strep twice.  That's who.

So I opted for believing Kendra.  And rather than loading up the car and driving to New York, we loaded up the car and stopped at Tyson's Corner, where an Urgent Care center was located.  And while Kendra was being tested and waiting to see a doctor, I got on the phone and managed to convince the Powers That Be to test the entire family.  (They actually listened to me when I pointed out how much it would cost them if I saw a non-Kaiser doctor in Manhattan!  Amazing!)  By the time the doctor was done prescribing her antibiotics, our results were in and it turned out that ALL of the kids had strep.  Only Craig and I had escaped unscathed (knocking on wood as I type this).  So the doctor very nicely prescribed antibiotics for all the kids, and even gave them the same drug and the same time frame (different dosage, though), so it would be easier for me to keep it all straight.  Four prescriptions for the price of one co-pay!  Look at Craig and I working the system!

So the long and short of it is that we are now planning to head out to New York tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.  Hopefully that will keep my kids from getting my sister and her family all sick.  And I told my friend who was going to stay here that they were still welcome to come, but that if I were them I'd stay as far away from us as possible (she agreed that this might be more prudent).  And while it's disappointing to not be in New York by now (or at least New Jersey, at this point?), and while I feel bad letting down my friend, I will say that I'm enjoying one more day of looking at all my flowers.

So I guess it could be worse...


Jen Evans said...

Lizzie and maybe Aj got strep this week too! And Lincoln is some kind of sick. He tested negative for strep but because if our track record the doctor put him on antibiotics as well.

Angela Okada said...

So sad they all had step!!!

Natalie R. said...

It's so sad that they all got sick and that you had to postpone your trip. It's so discouraging when you have things all planned out and they don't go through!! I'm glad to read this after the fact and know that in the long run it all went well despite the rough start!!