Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Silver Linings

Recently Ryder has all but stopped eating dinner.  It's very frustrating, because even when I make one of the 3 children's food groups (pizza, chicken nuggets, mac'n'cheese), he will rarely eat much at dinner time.  Instead he wants to run around like a crazed lunatic, or sit at the table crying.  We vacillate between these two things (with plenty of threats of either strapping him in the high chair or sending him to bed) until we finally give up and actually put him in bed.  On a good day, he'll eat a few bites.

And then, as I'm sure you already guessed, he'll wake up at 5:30am because he's REALLY HUNGRY.  And this does not make me happy.

So it's been something of a battle, and the hour change with Daylight Savings Time ending did nothing to help us out.

So last night, when I served Butternut Squash Soup for dinner, I can't say I was very surprised when he never even tried it.  (Despite the generous helping of sour cream I put in his soup.)  He had a bath and went to bed and I threatened that if he tried to wake me up when it was still dark out and claim he was hungry, I would laugh and make him go back to bed.

He actually slept until 6:45, so that wasn't too bad for us around here.  But when he woke up, he just laid in bed screaming and crying.  Even as I promised him breakfast, he insisted that he couldn't walk and that he needed medicine.  I figured his stomach was probably hurting because he was so hungry, so I just kept trying to coax him out of bed.  Eventually he got up, and then promptly laid back down in my bed for another fifteen minutes before he finally tried eating a bit.  Then he laid on the couch.

Then he threw up.

And a bit later, he threw up more.

But-- small blessing-- both times he managed to throw up on stuff that was easy to clean, completely missing the bedding and stuffed animals Kendra had tucked all around him.  I can't say I enjoy cleaning up vomit on the best of days, but it's definitely harder to do when you're pregnant.  So it was nice that it was easy, at least.

And now I'm choosing to look on the bright side of things: I was supposed to run some errands I didn't particularly want to do today, and now I have the perfect excuse to just stay home with the heat on, shuffling around in my fuzzy slippers, and not brave the cold (and try to zip my coat up over my big tummy).

I guess there are worse things than being forced to have a sick day.  If we can just be all done with the puking, please?

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