Saturday, April 25, 2015

P.S. on the Whirlwind Post

As excited as I am for our next adventure, I might be even MORE excited to hold over Craig's head the fact that I was right to tell him to go to that job fair.  Think of all the leverage that buys me in the "always listen to your wife" department!

Do you think t-shirts proclaiming that I'm always right would be overkill...?


Anna said...

Haha, I had self-gratifying "told you so" party when Ben was asked to do a phone interview (finally). It was for a job he had applied to almost three months ago and he had all but give up on it and others he's since applied to, since it was taking so long. However, I had a feeling that the managers were simply not in as great a rush as we are and that we'd hear something soon. As for t-shirts, maybe just post-it notes that you can place in both conspicuous and inconspicuous places as a reminder. :)

Anne said...
