Saturday, May 23, 2009


I would think that, for a toddler, learning to express yourself-- learning to talk-- must be very empowering. Finally! You can make people understand you! You can make all your wants and wishes known (is that a line from a song?). You can tell stories. You can communicate! That's got to feel good, right?

Well, Bentley has taken this love of power a little too far. Apparently he thinks that now that he can talk, everyone should do his bidding. Obviously, I've made it clear that I am immune to commands (or that he at least had better try saying "Please" first). And when he tells Kendra not to cry it rarely works. But he's tried to order around a few things that would never even have occurred to me.

At the Cheesescake Factory last week, he began yelling, "Stop, macaroni and cheese! Don't be hot!" (The mac'n'cheese didn't listen. I finally had to take the bowl away because he was getting so frustrated.)

And outside last week, I watched him put up his hands defiantly and yell, "No! Don't be windy!" That one didn't work, either.

Points for trying?


Jen Evans said...

Haha- I'm glad that Lizzie is not the only bossypants in the world. It's funny the things kids want to control.

Liza Jane said...

So funny! Glad I'm not the only one being bossed around by a 2-year-old. Liam makes me say things all the time: "Mommy say ___."

Anne said...

:) Hilarious.