Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Good Point, Actually.

Okay, so I don't normally base my life philosophy on what guests on the Conan O'Brien show say, but I think this guy actually made some really good points. Thanks to Craig's brother for showing us this one. And apologies for the swearing (although it is bleeped out, so that's not such a big deal, right?).

Hope you enjoy it, too!


Liz said...

Heehee. Thanks for that. :) I still am amazed every time I get on a giant airplane and it takes off and flies me somewhere nice. Funny how many engineering marvels we take for granted every day, eh? (Thank you scientists + engineers. ;)


Natalie R. said...

That's an awesome clip, and good to keep in mind that we have things pretty great!! Thanks for sharing. :0)

delilas said...

So true So true!!!! Modern Medicine is another miracle that is amazing.
So don't worry be happy!!