Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cousin Pictures

I already told you that my sister was here with her kids over the weekend. I only got a few pictures from it all, but they're worth sharing.

We'll go with the worst one first:

Is it just me, or do they all look kind of bad in this picture? But what makes it even worse, if you look at each kid individually, they also sort of look way older and snootier than they actually are-- like they're just too cool to bother giving the camera a halfway decent smile. The more I look at this picture, the more it weirds me out... Seriously! Look again! Isn't that paparazzi-esque or something?

This picture, on the other hand, is pretty good of all three of them! If only I'd done Kendra's hair for it...

And then finally, I cannot even tell you how much I love this picture of Ryder getting re-aquainted with Caleb:

I love that Caleb has slapped a wet hand right down on Ryder's face, and I love even more that rather than rescue Ryder, we took a picture of it. We're great parents! Natalie was out of the room, so she cannot be blamed for not controlling her son. This is totally Craig and my fault.

Poor Ryder-- good luck in life with parents like us, kid!


Natalie R. said...

Ha ha ha, I LOVE those pictures!!! The first one is really terrible - Kendra looks snooty, Bentley looks hoity-toity, and Samuel looks like a total stoner!! I'm glad you got the second one so everyone can see that they're really very nice kids. :0) Speaking of Samuel looking so scary, those bags under his eyes are actually from his seasonal allergies! Who knew, right?

That's a really funny picture of Ryder and Caleb. They were sure excited to see each other all weekend, they're going to be best buds soon! :0)

Jen Evans said...

I think Kendra's hair looks so cute in that second pic! It's so flippy in the right places and sideswipebangy in the front. Ultra cool, seriously.

Patrice said...

From Dad: Here is what I think the answer to the riddle is! If you take care of them, they'll last all your life! Cute pictures of the kids!

Rachael said...

Without any prompting from me, Ian commented that Kendra's hair looked cute. We're fans of the flippy hairdo! :)