Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kindergarten, Here We Come!

I just dropped Bentley off for his first day of kindergarten. I have been looking forward to this day for about a year now. So I surprised myself by staying awake last night worrying about it all and then choking up as we approached the school this morning. (I managed to pull it together before Bentley could notice.) Despite my emotions running high, I still believe it was best to get him in kindergarten right away. Bentley is so ready to learn whatever he can think to ask a question about, and I never seem to get around to teaching him much of anything (I didn't even bother making him learn to write his name until twenty minutes before the kindergarten assessment! And he learned that so fast I knew it had been me holding him back).

Obligatory back-to-school pictures!

I cannot even begin to say how much I love this picture

In Craig's family, they took this picture on the porch, so I took a couple there, too

Too much nervous energy to smile like a normal kid!

We got there early (even walking at Kendra's pace the whole way there!) so we had to wait in the cafeteria for a few minutes

All settled in his place, and ready to color

Now Kendra was getting nervous. Bentley, with his crayons, was right in his element, so I forced myself to hurry out before I could make him more nervous.

It does seem awfully quiet now without him around. I'm already looking forward to 3:15!


Andrea said...

We do front porch pictures, too. This year I got to hide behind the porch rail to take pictures of my son getting on the bus for middle school. Middle School! How did that happen?!
Bentley is going to do great and you will, too!!

Anne said...

Seriously adorable child! (Children). I can't imagine that day, but how fun that he's so excited!

Natalie R. said...

Wow, seeing the pictures of him in the classroom at his very own desk suddenly made the whole thing so much more real to me!!! I can't believe he's already in kindergarten, that's awfully exciting!!! :-D

Patrice said...

I love seeing the pictures of that first day of school. So sweet to see Bentley and Kendra's relationship-love that Kendra was getting nervous. What wonderful children! Grandma and Grandpa are so proud of them!