Friday, July 18, 2014

The News Around Here

In a rare move for me, I actually posted this on facebook first.  But I didn't want my blog (or the rare blog reader who I'm not friends with on facebook) to feel left out, so I'm recording it here, too.

This is our newest little peanut, due February 20th:

I always told Craig that I wanted at least five kids.  I sort of thought we'd stretch out the process a bit longer than we have, but I've also worried about that whole "biological clock" thing and didn't particularly want to still be bearing children in my 40s.  (Not that there's anything wrong with that.  I just don't think I could muster up the energy for another infant by then.)  So here we are!  I'll have my fifth child while I'm thirty-five, so that's not bad at all.

It even gives me time to have another!  If I want.

(If I can convince Craig!)


Patrice said...

I am smiling a great big smile!

Jen Evans said...


Jen Evans said...

Also, I like the little z above baby's head, like it's sleeping.

Erin said...
