Sunday, February 22, 2015

Babymoon (and some random pictures)

One of my favorite birth books is The Gift of Giving Life, written by a bunch of Mormon women and giving various Mormon opinions about birth.  I got it when I was pregnant with Colton and re-read it with this pregnancy, also.
So squinty and fat!

This time around, one essay in particular that stuck out to me was about having a "babymoon" after you had your baby.  The writer wasn't referring to a vacation you take before the baby comes (although I might count our quick jaunt to Virginia Beach as exactly that), but instead as taking that first month after you've had your baby to stay home, shut out the world as much as possible, and really just get to know your baby.  The author talked about having others do your grocery shopping for you (she said people were happy to do this, although I have my doubts about that), playing soft music in your home, and making everything as loving and wonderful as possible.
Ryder snuggles with a very much asleep Daddy

Camille's eyes are open!  And only slightly cross-eyed...

The way she described it sounded so nice that of course I wanted to try it.  But then I remembered that I have four other children, two of whom need to go to school and get picked up every day, and I resigned myself to the fact that this was really only something that could be done with your first baby.  (Besides, I really couldn't justify asking others to do my grocery shopping for me.  Having meals brought in is about as much help as I'm willing to ask for!)

So much for that idea! I thought to myself.
She looks very angry here and that kind of cracks me up

She makes sleeping look like such hard work...

And then I actually had Camille and tons of snow storms and cold weather hit Virginia. 

And I have barely left the house at all since she's been born!  School has been cancelled (or delayed) more times than not.  Craig and Tracy have done the grocery shopping for me.  And I find myself getting almost exactly that lovely babymoon time that the book talked about!  It's not quite as peaceful as she described-- how could it be with four other kids running around the house?  And we occasionally play music that isn't exactly calm and soothing (but I like our music, so I think that's just fine).
We were excited to catch a rare glimpse of her neck-- she actually has one!

I love the little "shoes" on this outfit!

But we're home.  A lot.  Camille has only left the house to see the doctor for her two-day check-up.  And that's just perfect because it is WAY too cold to take a baby out there!  And honestly, I can't fit into most of my clothes anyway, so why would I want to leave the safe warm cocoon of my home?  I'm a natural homebody anyway, so this time has been perfect for me.

Everyone should have a baby in the winter time!  It's cozy and perfect.

I'm loving my babymoon.


ugkuyg said...

I absolutely love her chubbiness. Olive was a January baby and I was worried about being stuck inside in the cold, but it was so nice! Enjoy snuggling her, she is adorable!

Nancy said...

She's so chubby and cute. Congrats. Love the name!