Sunday, May 3, 2015


Because we always manage to do things in the most complicated way imaginable, the day after Craig got his job offer, our chicks came in the mail!  I considered canceling our order, with everything we had going on, but I really wanted those chicks.  I told myself I didn't want to disappoint the kids, but the truth is that I didn't want to disappoint myself, either.  Who can resist baby chicks?  And I'd been looking forward to this day since I placed the order back in November!

I knew they'd shipped, so we already had their "brooder" (ie, the downstairs shower) all set up and ready to go.  I'd been out running errands when the post office called, so we rushed right there to pick them up.  They were so tiny and cute, cheeping away in their little box! recommended that you not let your kids see them until you've checked to make sure they're all alive and well, so I did a quick head count inside the post office before marching them out to the car to show off to Ryder and Colton.

We let each kid name one, so in order from right to left, we have the Buff Orpington (the yellow one) which Ryder named Happy, our Silkie (the white feathery one) which Bentley named Marshmallow, a Welsummer (the brown one) named Eileena (not sure about the spelling there) by Kendra.  And I named the Silver-laced Wyandotte (the black one) Quicksilver.  They're super cute, although they're getting a bit wild because we haven't had time to play with them very much.  I have a hard time leaning over the shower wall to catch them, because they beat their wings hard enough to fly a bit away from me.  But I always get 'em eventually!

I brought them to the kids' classes and let everyone have a turn holding and/or petting them, so that was a good way to spend an afternoon.  It's nice to be the fun Mom every now and then!

The weather's getting warm, so I'm hoping maybe today we can take them outside and let them experience that for a bit!  Should be exciting!

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