Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sports Terminology

We've got Bentley, Kendra, AND Ryder signed up for soccer this season.  I'm so in over my head on this.  The good news, though, is that each kid has a friend on their team, so there are lots of carpooling opportunities.  Otherwise this season would be made up of one big panic attack on my part.  As it is, I think we'll get by.  (Barely.)

But I have to share this bit of dialogue:

Kendra (telling Craig about her practice): At the end, we played a game called Spinach!  We split our team into two groups and then played a soccer game against each other.

Craig: Um, you mean a scrimmage?

Kendra: Yeah, that's what I said.  Spinach.

Kendra riding with two neighbor girls on her team


Patrice said...

That is really cute!!

Liz said...

Haha. :) In the car, Hazel recently requested the "Carrot" song. Several times. Insistently. Loudly. I had no idea what she meant. Finally, she started singing it for me, well enough that I realized she meant she wanted to hear the "SHARE IT" song...

At which point I realized my suble parenting is maybe a little too subtle for her, if she seems to think the message of the song is about vegetables instead of being nice to friends. :P (But yay vegetables...?)