Thursday, November 10, 2016

About Tuesday...

Baz Luhrmann is good for everything.


Patrice said...

Hilarious...and perfectly said!

Erin said...

Haha, yup. I was feeling really nervous leading into election day. Hopeful, but on edge. My program is a public health program, so we're all totally looking forward to the fact that our jobs just got 1000x harder./s

I'm very interested to see what our book club class discussion is like next week. We're supposed to focus a good bit on solutions to food and society problems and will be discussing Marion Nestle's Food Politics. I think right now we're all giving up on federal policy solutions any time soon.

Other than that it's lit a fire under me to not be complacent anymore. No more ignoring casual racism and sexism at family functions. Usually I just run away from the confrontation in the name of keeping the peace. New personal goal is to engage and call them out.

Rachael said...

It's amazing to me how often Strictly Ballroom applies to life! ;)