Saturday, April 15, 2017

Spring Has Sprung; and So Have My Allergies

Can I just whine about how much I resent my allergies???

I spend all winter shivering and hating the brownness and deadness of it all.  Until, finally,  finally spring arrives-- all the trees burst with leaves and blossoms and the weather is perfectly gorgeous: warm and lovely and not even hot yet! There are no mosquitoes yet and it's just SO PERFECT outside!  Nothing can match that lime green of new leaves, hiding the ugly freeway behind out house!  And Charlottesville is full of eastern redbuds (which are actually purple) and flowering dogwoods-- they're all delicate and perfect.  I want to fling all the windows open and suck in the delicious fresh air.  I want to jump on the trampoline with the kids and be a part of every second of it.

Ryder and Colton walk past our flowering dogwood

But instead, I end up cowering inside, thinking about turning on the A/C, because every fresh breeze leaves me snotty and sneezing and itching all over.  I even wake up in the middle of the night because my jaw and inside my mouth and ears itch.  What is up with that???

It's so unfair.  I want to love spring and just bask in its gloriousness, but I feel like it punches me in the nose every year.  I guess this is why autumn is rapidly becoming my favorite season.  Even though I truly love spring so much, it just doesn't love me back.

It might be time to see a doctor about this...


W Hansen said...

I'm not affected by the allergies, so when it's beautiful I open all the windows and enjoy it. Then I remember once Kyle gets home, and has stuffy nose and pressure, that it does affect him. Ooops.

)en said...

It is just so sad. I'm so very sorry. I think I've experienced one tiny pollen or plant-related allergic reaction and i was like, WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME THIS IS THE WORST! AAAAUUUGGGGHH. Ever since then I wake up every day grateful to not have the allergies and sorry for those who do. Yes, go get some meds or something. Spring should be for EVERYONE!