Monday, February 12, 2018

Rescue Bunny

I woke up suddenly at 2am and for once it wasn't because of Colton.  As I laid there wondering what had startled me awake, I heard what must have been a second thump.  And then half a minute later, another one.

Our bunny was being noisy.

We'd given her a new box to chew on, and in the process of trying to tear it to shreds, she was banging it against the floor.  This was an easy fix, so once I'd determined that she wasn't likely to stop (and, therefore, was going to continue keeping me awake), I wandered down in the dark to take the box out of her cage.  She was eager for some attention, so I patted her head and stroked her ears a bit.  I realized that the last time she was this noisy, she was out of water, so I flipped on a light to check and sure enough, our poor bunny had no water.  I grabbed a cup full to dump in the bowl, and then another.  She surprised me by not seeming too interested in the water (usually she'll try to nose the cup as the water is flowing-- it makes me laugh).

As I turned back to the kitchen, I noticed a faint glow on the couch.  I knew Bentley had left his laptop there, so I was expecting to see a small, sharp light.  I looked closer and discovered that he'd somehow wrapped the laptop up in a blanket and left it plugged in.  I pulled it out of the blanket and it was burning hot, with the fans whirring unable in vain to cool it down.

I quickly moved it to a flat surface and then meandered back to bed wondering if my bunny hadn't just saved our house from being burned down.

Good bunny, Oreo.  That was a good reason to wake me up in the middle of the night.


Patrice said...

Yikes!! Thank goodness for Oreo!!!

Anne said...

They should make a movie about that!! Go Rescue Bunnies!!! lol