Sunday, June 10, 2018

My New Bed

I already told you that when my parents came, they bought a new bed for my house.  This bed was actually my Christmas present, so it's technically MY bed.  But because I'm nice, I let them use it when they arrived.  The problem, though, was that then Craig and I needed to figure out how to carry the bed up two flights of stairs.  Before it was delivered, Craig had assured me that this wouldn't be particularly hard.  But after my parents left and I said it was time to do it, Craig looked at me all confused and said, "Yeah, how are we going to do that?"  (Cue me raging and screaming.)

Fortunately, I thought of a plan.  Seminary was still meeting in our basement, and I happen to know for a fact that the bishop's 18-year-old son, Stephen, is in that class, and he likes to chop wood to earn money.  I figured he could handle moving a bed without too much trouble.  So on a sunny Thursday morning, Craig nabbed Stephen as he was heading to our basement and asked if he could help us out after seminary.  "Let's just do it now!" suggested Stephen, so he and Craig got to work.  It took them less than ten minutes to haul the mattress and box spring up to my room.  Success! 

I chatted with the seminary teacher while they did this (she was very nice about us interrupting her class!) and learned that the next day was their last day of seminary for the school year, so we were just in the nick of time!

After seminary was all finished for the day, Craig and I were able to move the old bed down the stairs without too much trouble (thank you, Gravity!).  I'd gotten a new duvet cover (well, I'd gotten several* new duvet covers, and the third one finally worked**!) and got it all set up and now I LOVE my new bed!   I even got throw pillows!  I am becoming SUCH a grown-up!!!  (Not that I use them much.  They get in the way when I want to nap or fold laundry.  But I like knowing I have them when I want to make the bed look extra nice.)

AND, double bonus, I now have a queen-sized bed in the basement for when company comes!  So come visit me, y'all!!!  I got room for you!

*The first one was all shiny and pretty, but it smelled TERRIBLE when we got it out of the packaging.  I promptly washed it, and then it was no longer shiny and pretty.  What the heck?  The second one was super simple and cheap, but it was grey with a cute little white border around the edges.  But when I got it out of the packaging, it didn't have the white borders!  Again, What the heck?  So it got returned, too.  The third one seems to be what was advertised, though.

**Also, after looking at duvet covers for an entire week, I realize that the really in-style look is to have a white duvet cover.  WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND THINKS THIS IS A GOOD IDEA???  Even if I didn't have kids who are constantly face-planting onto my bed, smearing toothpaste and pizza sauce everywhere (sometimes at the same time!), I'm pretty sure I could ruin a beautiful white cover pretty fast all by myself.  So I chose grey-- hopefully it will be neutral enough to work with a variety of sheets, but will cover up the wear and tear of daily living and sleeping that will happen to it...

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

That’s very exciting!! It’s always nice to have a new mattress to sleep on!