Saturday, June 9, 2018

Summer Has Arrived!

I've spent the last couple weeks feeling like a person watching the tide get sucked out right before a tsunami hits.  I know what's coming.  I kind of feel like I ought to start running, but really, I know there's not much point.

Not that I haven't been trying-- I've had a big list of things to get done because it's going to be WAY harder once school gets out: getting my oil changed; getting new tires put on my car; doing my visiting teaching ministering...  I've tried.  So that to-do list combined with swim team starting up last week has made for an insanely hectic couple of weeks.
Being VERY well behaved at Jiffy Lube

Thursday was the last day of school.  I missed picking the kids up from the bus stop on their last day because Costco took an hour longer to put on my tires than they said they'd take.  It turns out that my van takes crazy tires-- I could only find them at the Ford Dealership.  But the Ford place charges four times what Costco charges to install.  So I bought them at Ford and took them to Costco.  But since Costco was so slow and messed everything up, I still felt like I failed.  (And it turns out you really can't do anything to rush out the door when your car has no tires on it!) (The kids were just fine, by the way.  Kendra remembered where the spare key was and then used her friend's phone to call me and check on what was going on.  Smart girl!  She even put the spare key back!)  And now the tire pressure light keeps coming on, so for all that I'm STILL going to have to go back and get it fixed.  Ugh.

But the good news is that, starting next week, swim team practice will be in the mornings, so I won't be driving through town at the worst possible time.  And as much as my kids like to complain about swim team, I think it's really good for them and I love that they're doing it.  I like that they get an hour outside exercising every day-- what a great way to start out each day!  Dang, now I'm feeling like I should start running again...!

Other good news is that Ryder made the team this year!  Yay!!!
Very proud that he managed to swim the length of the pool both ways! 

And I'm sure we'll also spend a lot of time...

On our screens.  Of course.

Building forts

Colton's friend Keller took Camille for a spin on his tractor.  Don't they look like they're on a little date?

Camille is stylin'.  And Kendra is photobombin'.

Safety first.

When Craig had graduation Tuesday night, I was in charge of swim team and getting Bentley to and from scouts with very little time in between for dinner.  That called for a trip to Cook-Out (motto: Our Food is So Cheap, It's a Little Scary)!

And lots and lots of play time at the pool!
Costco had this adorable floaty/stuffed animal turtle.  (And no, Ryder is NOT drowning behind Bentley there!)

Kendra with her two BFFs, Grace and Kinsley

Our two non-swimmers still need their floaties!!!!!

So now I feel like the tidal wave has hit and it's up to me to either sink or swim with it!  But that's fine-- I usually come out on top, and each summer it gets a little easier for me to manage everyone and everything while Craig is at work.  Honestly, it's the anticipation that worries me more than the fact of it.

Happy Summer, everyone!  Embrace the crazy!

1 comment:

Natalie R. said...

Yay for summer!!! I love the break from school and enjoy chance to just hang out as a family outside. Have fun!!!!