Friday, October 5, 2018

Bentley's Last (and Camille's First!) Primary Program

A couple months ago, the primary president, Juli Rohm, called me to ask some questions.  She didn't understand why Camille was still in nursery even though she turned three back in February, so I was explaining how she would move up to primary when the new year began.  This led to a discussion of Bentley turning 12 and moving out of primary and I asked when the primary program would be, since I wondered if he would be in it this year.  She assured me that they had purposely scheduled it for the day before his birthday JUST for that reason.

And then I was kind of obnoxious.  And I mentioned that, although of course all decisions were totally up to her and she had every right to say No to this idea, it would be pretty awesome for me if ALL of my kids were in this primary program.  Sister Rohm jumped on the idea, "Oh, that would be GREAT!  Let's do that!!!"

So a few weeks ago we had the only primary program I will ever see in which all five of my children took part.

And it was so sweet.  Colton and Camille were right up front and you could just barely see their faces peaking over the stand.  And they smiled so adorably at us and knew all the words to all the songs.  Ryder was in the very back corner, but you could still hear him for every song (I'm pretty sure that's why he was in the back corner, actually-- he got my lungs, I'm afraid!).  Kendra had a big part reading a bunch of scriptures throughout the program and did it all perfectly.  And Bentley was asked to write his own 5-minute talk (which is no small feat!) and he did a wonderful job!  I don't think I helped him with his talk at all, and I thought it was really good-- in fact, I'm going to post it here, for posterity and all that.

Anyway, I was very grateful for our primary president indulging me like that.  Life doesn't hand you very many perfect moments like that, so you really have to bask in them when they do come along!

The following day (!!!) Bentley turned 12, and my Dad flew out so he could be a part of Bentley being ordained a deacon, so it's been a busy and wonderful week!  Bentley is very relieved, though-- since General Conference is this weekend, he gets an extra weeks before he has to pass the sacrament.  He'll do great, though, I'm quite certain!

And by the way, Happy Birthday, Bentley!

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