Friday, August 2, 2019

Scout Camp

Colton's surgery was on a Tuesday, and the following Sunday Craig and Bentley left for a week of Scout Camp.  I was less than thrilled with this, since Colton was still crying a LOT at night.  But what could I do?

They left straight from church, so I got this awesome photo before we went to church:
THAT'S how an Eagle Scout does it, ladies!

I wasn't there for any of this, so I'm mostly just going to share a bunch of pictures.  Enjoy!

Dining hall

This was where our troop didn't know they were supposed to wear their scout shirts.  Oops!

Bentley had to build a shelter and sleep under it one night.  Fortunately for him, it did NOT rain!  (I heard he actually got more sleep there than back at the campsite with all the other scouts all staying up way too late talking!)

I *guess* this is pretty...

They seemed to have had a good time!  And they didn't even smell too bad when they got home!  Although Bentley has picked up some strange habits like wanting to wear shorts when swimming at the pool instead of his swimsuit, and thinking that I'm being a jerk when I tell him to shower.

Boys are weird.

But I'm glad they had fun.  And I'm glad they're home!

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