Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Several years ago, a woman I used to chat with during swim practice told me that she'd taken her kids to a place called Wildrock and really enjoyed it.  I remembered that conversation but never got around to going...  Until this Saturday!

Now, it's kind of a shame that I waited so long, because it's really geared towards younger kids.  But we still had a great time, so better late than never, right?  (And the fact is, Colton and Camille were the PERFECT age for it; really, it's pretty hard to find a place that's fun for 4-year-olds AND 12-year-olds!)

Ryder was the first to complain that he'd already been here for a field trip and this place wasn't any fun at all.  Then he proceeded to run all over the place and have a great time.  Go figure!

This picture doesn't do it justice but these scrawny little butterfly bushes were TEEMING with butterflies!  It was awesome!

My kids indulged me by sitting in this nest for a picture!

Love that smile!

They had a bunch of rubber boots so kids could wade in the creek

Kendra caught this creepy crawdad thing
One of my better panorama shots.  I love how pretty it is here!!!!

I don't know which I love more-- that everyone was playing with this nicely, or the face Colton pulled when I told him to turn around and smile for me...!

Building a toy fire
Here you could pretend to be a vet!

Bambi is in very good hands here...
Love those blue eyes!

They made a ladybug home
A hobbit house!

I like that you can tell I was actually running!  Bentley and Ryder were trying to catch up to me, so I sped up a bit and Ryder yelled, "Oh, shoot, Mom's actually really fast!"  First and last time THAT'S ever been said!

This was an absolutely charming place!  My only complaint is that the gnats were terrible.  So I guess I'll have to take Camille back in the fall when there are less bugs to contend with!

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