Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Another New Calling

It was just a few months ago that I told you all about my new calling in the Stake Relief Society Presidency.  That felt like a big deal to me.

Then they told us they were putting Craig in the bishopric here.

So I guess we're going to be busy!

We found out about this new calling three weeks ago, but it took a while to actually happen.  So poor Craig has sort of been stressing ever since, mostly because he didn't know when it would happen or if he'd have to speak when it finally did.  Also, it meant we had to keep this from the kids for a bit, and we suck at keeping secrets.  (In fact, I'm pretty sure Bentley figured it out.)

So he was sustained in church on Sunday, and then went to sit up on the stand.  He's the second counselor, which means he gets to control the height of the podium-- THAT'S REAL POWER THERE.  😂

As soon as he sat down, Colton leaned over to me and said, "Did Daddy just become a prophet?"  So funny!  And then Ryder chimed in with, "Wait, what just happened?"  When I explained, he asked, "So now he has to sit up there instead of with us?  That's so lame!"  Too true, Ryder.

Also of note, that Sunday we happened to have brought along a neighborhood friend of Kendra's.  And there's a deacon who is attending the Fork Union Military Academy* in our ward, so I'd told him to go ahead and sit with us, also, since his family is in Indiana.  So that left me surrounded by seven kids.  I look like a complete nut.  But, miracle of miracles, they were all remarkably well behaved.

So I guess we'll get through all this somehow!

*When I first heard this I figured he was a totally screwed up kid and this was his parents' last-ditch effort to straighten him out.  BUT it turns out that this was something he wanted to do because apparently they have a great football program that was recommended by a football coach in his hometown.  All this to say, he was better behaved than any of my own kids.  And I'm a terrible person for making snap judgments with very little information.  But you probably already knew that about me!

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