Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Random Pics

I have a whole bunch of random photos that are just begging to be shared on ye olde blogge here, and who am I to resist?

Look!  I parked where the blue bus parks!  How apropos!
Camille holding hands with Tessa while we walk along the Rivanna River-- so precious!

Playing hide-and-seek at the bus stop
I love Camille's exuberance!
Totally bragging here.  You'd think I would weigh less, though, right???  Whatever, I'm still proud!

Yay for Craig!  I especially loved that they said he was "unflappable"-- it's a phrase I adore.

Kendra ready to root for the AHS Patriots!

Colton introduces Oreo to his stuffed animal bunny

Too precious!

Bentley adopts my method of protecting your eyes from onion fumes.  It's weird, but it works!

And speaking of pictures, we just got our family portraits and I am SO EXCITED to get to work ordering Christmas cards!  It's the most wonderful time of the year!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I rock that look