Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Colton is SEVEN!

Friday was Colton's birthday, and it felt like we managed to celebrate just in the nick of time!  He really wanted to go to school and be the Birthday Boy there, and that turned out to be the last day of school for a while!  Yay for a Friday the 13th birthday!

We did all our usual birthday stuff:
The birthday kid always gets to lick the cake batter!

He opened our presents to him first thing in the morning

(Camille in those jammies reminds me of cotton candy)

Camille and I brought cupcakes for his class to eat during lunch:

And then he had his party that afternoon.  I was worried that maybe we should cancel it because of all this quarantine stuff, but I finally decided since the kids had all been together at school, this one last hurrah couldn't really hurt.  I guess all the parents agreed, because everyone we invited came!
Opening presents with Walter, Alexandre, and Tyler.  Alexandre of THIS fame...!  I can't believe Colton invited him!

And here he is blowing out the candles on his cake:
I love how Camille, behind him, is wearing a bike helmet?

The party was kind of awful.  I'd forgotten that Colton is an unusually calm little boy.  The kids who came to the party were... not.  I had thought we could just let them watch a movie, but they kept wanting to stage wars and hurt each other.  I was very relieved when it was over!  And-- bonus-- no basement was flooded this time, so that was great!

The next day we celebrated with Tom and Donna:

So spoiled by his grandparents!

He was very excited about this hoodie-- especially when he discovered the joy of having both hands all snug inside a kangaroo pocket!

Bentley insisted he wear his hood the "right" way...

And he got right to work reading his new books!

And now we're all supposed to stay home, so I guess it's good he's got all these new toys and books to enjoy!

Happy birthday to my Sweet Colton!  What a wonderful seven years it's been, with so many more to look forward to!

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