Sunday, May 3, 2020

"New" Deck!

The deck is finished!  Craig worked so hard and it looks SO MUCH BETTER now!!!  AND, Craig very helpfully made side-by-side comparison pictures, so it's super easy for me to show it all off to you!  (Also, in the same manner of weight-loss ads where the people always seem to gain a greater fashion sense and a lot of joy along with their slimmer figures, in this case, we have the pleasure of the "after" pictures having lush, green backgrounds as spring has progressed!  Craig really ought to go into advertising!)

Behold the difference:
Sigh.  Doesn't that just feel so much better???
Notice that Craig also straightened out that handrail!
He also fixed a bunch of the steps so that they were no longer sagging... 
AND he got rid of quite a bit of the fencing there, including the gate. I like how it opens everything up so nicely!

Now we're working on getting outdoor lights that we can string across the deck as well as some solar lights to light up the steps at night.  It's going to be so lovely!  I almost wish we could throw a dinner party out there or something!


1 comment:

Lynda Ridgeway said...

Wow what a beautiful job! So much work!!!!You always were a hard worker.