Saturday, October 24, 2020

Wedding #2

 I got to work another wedding!  This time it was at Pippin Hill Farms, which was even prettier than Clifton Inn!  AND the weather was absolute perfection.  It was all so lovely!

Lovely view of the Blue Ridge Mountains

You can see Brittany and Stephanie "detailing" here, which means we wander around and make sure all the place settings are PERFECT.  Also, note that each place setting has a little painting in front of it.  These were all done by the bride and matched this enormous painting that she had displayed for guests:

This photo doesn't do it justice-- it was probably about 6' X 6'?  And I got to stand and hold it up behind the bride and groom while they were photographed with their cake!

And speaking of cake, how lovely is this?  But here's the funny thing-- it's actually fake!  So we had to have a piece of real cake all ready so the bride and groom could pretend to cut this and then feed each other actual cake.  I'm not sure who comes up with this stuff, but it never fails to amuse me...!

As the sun set, it got even prettier!

And then we had to run around and grab all those little tiny paintings and each guest's menu and put them in their gift bag for them!  So complicated!

So far, this wedding gig has been really fun!  I'm excited to keep doing it!

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