Saturday, May 15, 2021

Random Pics

Well, they were NOT lying about that second shot!  I spent all day in bed feeling like I'd been run over by a truck.  But now I'm fine!  AND VACCINATED!  So that's pretty exciting, especially as they're lifting the mask mandate all over!  (Although it figures-- I just found THE cutest masks a few weeks ago!  Oh, well.  I'll still need them for doctors offices and such...)  I've been fine with wearing a mask everywhere, so it surprises me how excited I am to be nearly done with that.  I can't wait to see people's faces again!!!

Anyway.  I was going through our google photos and I realized there were a bunch of very random pictures I never posted here, so I'm remedying that now!  Enjoy!

Bentley loves to grab my phone and take a selfie

And my kids still think the purpose of a bag full of scrunchies is to make muscles for themselves

Movie night with Sydney and Beth!

Mrs. Batres sent me another picture of their schoolwork!  How cute is Camille and her fingerprint bugs???

Here we have Kendra attending Young Womens on Zoom, and Camille decided to join her. 😍

Speaking of the youth at church, they ALSO went kayaking at Walnut Creek!  It's the thing to do!

Here's Kendra paddling away!

I think that's Bentley?  Maybe?

It's actually light outside when we're done exercising now!  How exciting!  (Although maybe this means I should start actually looking in a mirror before I go?)

I didn't post this particular picture before, but this face kills me!

Sometimes on a Saturday morning, Ryder will turn his bedroom into a massage parlor (HOW DOES HE EVEN KNOW THAT TERM????) with soft lighting, soothing music, and stuffed animals to lay on.  He charges a $1/minute, so he's not cheap!

Here's a tiny little snake Colton found under a rock a couple weeks ago at hiking club.  Adam was worried it might be poisonous so we stared at it from a few feet away.

Bentley went fishing for Young Mens a few weeks ago...

When they aren't running massage parlors, my kids get their stuffed animals involved in their reading action!

Pretty little flowers that Camille spotted when we were hiking!

Ryder lifting ALL my weights!

This is a terrible picture, but I was thrilled with these cute summery church shoes I found!  It's always a challenge to find shoes that will fit my crazy-wide feet, but my black clunky boots just weren't going to cut it with the warmer weather!  I love these!  (And I was excited to find a store where I could actually try them on!)

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