Thursday, May 27, 2021

More May

We've been keeping busy!  Over the last few weeks, we've ALL been to see the dentist and there have been NO cavities.  Life is good.  (Although the way my schedule works now, I had to take the kids to the dentist still all sweaty from exercising, which is completely gross.  Fortunately, I'm friends with the hygienist and she assured me that she was wearing so much PPE she couldn't smell anything.  Ugh.  My life is weird.)

Camille's teacher texted me asking why she wasn't in school, so we sent her back this selfie explaining where we were (mostly to reassure her that Camille was NOT sick!)

And it finally got hot!  I keep managing to sunburn myself in the weirdest ways.  It's really not pretty.  My most recent kayaking adventure left my legs looking like I was perhaps wearing blotchy, red knee highs.  Charming.  Oh, well...  This time, Adam and I paddled upstream the James River to a big, old rock in the middle of the river where we could sit and rest for a bit and enjoy the peace and beauty before floating back to where we'd put in.  It was delightful!  (A little more of a workout than lake kayaking, but I was pleased that my arms were NOT sore the next day! 💪)
I finally convinced Adam to be in a picture!  (And yes, everywhere below those shorts is now red.  Eek!)

I'm not the only one to get in on the kayaking action!  Last Friday, Craig and Adam went on the Rivanna River, ending at the Snow's farm!  They seemed to also have had a great time:

And there have been lots of date nights happening!  Both for me and Craig:
Why did I aim this so much up my nose???  Oh, well.  Here we were after watching the girls soccer team.  And before that, we got salads at Chopt!  So it was a good evening.

And for this, we were at Craig's school's prom.  This was between shifts, and the jazz band behind us is taking a break.  I like that we wore AHS's colors!  Go, Patriots!

And also Craig and I have been trading off taking kids out on dates, too!
Ryder and me at Five Guys

And Craig and Colton, also at Five Guys!

Bentley and Kendra each got a turn, too, (they both chose Citizen Burger Bar) but we apparently didn't take pictures of that, probably because it was too dark.  But it's all been very fun!  Camille has informed me that next week I'm taking her to Chick-fil-A, so I've also got that to look forward to!

Last week for hiking club, I took the kids to some trails near our house.  The gas shortage was pretty much over, but it still seemed like maybe a good idea to keep things close to home.  So we wandered and tried (successfully!) to not get lost.  We didn't go super far (Ryder slipped and fell just as we were heading back, and he was a total trooper and didn't complain, but it seemed unnecessarily cruel to suggest we try additional forks in the path!) but we had a good time and there was TONS of wonderful-smelling honeysuckle!

We found this run-down shelter that people use for dirt biking.  Since we didn't have bikes, the kids ran around the track instead, all the while shouting, "I'm running on the walls!"  As long as they're having fun, I guess?

I'm also really enjoying not having to be masked in quite so many places. The (vaccinated) employees at Costco no longer have to wear masks and I'm just so happy for them and it's so great seeing people's faces again and being able to understand what they're saying! UVA relaxed their outdoor masking policy, so FiA is back to exercising at the rotunda on Mondays:
I just loved this shot-- the rotunda and the clouds make it look so cool!

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