Friday, May 27, 2022

Where Did May Go?

The school year is rapidly coming to a close and I feel like there are so many end-of-year things to keep track of!  So here's a hodgepodge of the stuff we've been up to...

Our neighborhood is inviting food trucks to come to our pool parking lot every other week!  This is the kind of fun I can get behind (as opposed to their usual bourbon tastings)!  We decided it would be too expensive to bring the entire family every single time, so we're making it a date night with each kid individually, so this was enjoying Martin's Grill with Camille!
Kendra's end-of-year band concert was a lot of fun!  And she got to stand and be recognized since she'd played with both the district and regional bands!

On a Sunday evening when Camille had a cold, I put her to bed early and encouraged the big kids to "play a board game or something" and they actually did!  AND, they even had fun, too!  That made me incredibly happy.

I'm still exercising with FiA three days a week, even if occasionally it ends up just being me and Brandy!  (We're at UVA's rotunda for this one, but they had tents up for graduation.  This turned out to be a good thing, because a bunch of students had come to watch the sunrise from the rotunda, so the tent gave us a little privacy.  I don't like exercising with an audience!)

My neighbor's kousa dogwood had approximately a billion blossoms this spring!  I don't know why it outshone all the other trees, but I sure love walking past it!

Now that the AP test is over, this is the sort of project Bentley's world history teacher has her students doing: making minion versions of historical characters.  Here we have Napoleon.

One of Craig's tires had a slow leak, so after school I took it to Costco to be looked at.  This meant killing time in Costco for an hour or so, so here we are, trying out all the couches!  (It turned out the tire was still under warranty, so getting it patched was free!)

We were at Costco for so long that Craig finished work and joined us.  And then we got hungry and ordered pizza.  And then Bentley was texting me asking when we'd be home with the pizza because he was starving, so I sent him this taunting picture.  Parenting at its finest!

But I know Bentley has forgiven me because he invites me to join him for silly selfies.  I guess this is what bonding with your teenager looks like these days?

And baseball season is in full swing (ha-- get it?), so here's Colton up to bat!  I will be excited when we don't have Saturday morning practice any more, but I guess I shouldn't complain, because in the fall we kept having Saturday morning games, and I felt like I had to stay and watch those.  At least I can just drop the boys off for practice!

The weather this spring has been absolutely bizarre.  It will get really hot, and then cool down and rain for a week.  And then get hot for a couple more days.  It's this sort of whiplash of tearing all the winter blankets off the bed and then wanting to put them back on again.  And the rainy days TOTALLY feel like Seattle to me.  I'm not complaining about any of this, mind you-- it's actually pretty awesome.  But a little weird, too.

And in other, non-photo-worthy, news, work is going well!  I'm on my 3rd draft of closure letters for one of the partners, and hopefully we'll be done soon and I can move on to another partner's closed files.  Last Friday I got a text from Adam informing me that his assistant, Stephanee (who I mentioned in my previous post) would like to cut back her hours and would I like to take over for her?  I've wanted this job for a while (but in a not-trying-to-get-rid-of-Stephanee sort of way), so the answer was a resounding Yes!  Hopefully I can ease into that while Stephanee eases out, and by the time he needs me more, I'll be mostly done at the law firm.  Working for Adam would mean working about 10-15 hours a week, but at home in my pajamas, so that's pretty much my dream job.  I spoke with my neighbor from the law firm and she wasn't sure they'd have a whole lot for me to do once I finish with their closed files (or if they do need me, it would probably be to come in and tidy the files up maybe once a month), so this might just work out well for everyone.  Maybe?  We'll see.  It will take some finagling, but hopefully I can pull this off.

OH!!!  I forgot to ever mention it on this blog, but my PARENTS came to visit back in April!  We had the best time hanging out and walking a lot and eating at my favorite restaurants.  I took very few pictures (as per usual), but before they flew out we did snap a couple pictures just to prove they were here:
You can tell it was bright out, since we're all pretty squinty (and notice my pretty flowering dogwood behind us!)

We asked Ryder to take that top picture, so of course he took a selfie...

Also, THIS has been happening!  😬😬😬
I'm not sure which is worse: sitting in the passenger seat while your teenager drives, or trying to tell him how to drive and realizing you are a terrible driver, OR the fact that this has amped up my backseat driving to such an amazing degree that if Craig and I get divorced, it will probably be because I'm telling him how to drive even MORE now.  (It was even more embarrassing when I did it to Brandy the other day as we drove home from FiA...  Fortunately she also has a teen driver and was very understanding when I apologized!)

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