Sunday, May 8, 2022

Working Mom (Sort of)

So Tuesday was my first day at my new job!

The whole thing fell into my lap in the most random way.  Remember how I spent a week watching Zevi in March?  The last day of the week, Rachel got her kids early (as a favor to me, since I hadn't realized when I agreed to babysit that Friday would be a teacher workday (meaning, ironically, that the teachers don't work)).  And then, being even nicer than just getting off work early to save me, she brought me lunch, too, and we hung out eating together, which was delightful.

As we were chatting, I mentioned how I'd applied for that library job and hadn't gotten it.  It's one of my super fun traits that I will spill all my guts about how much I suck.  Rachel immediately asked, "So you're interested in working?" and I told her I was, but (BUT) it's nearly impossible to find a job where you can be home when your kids are home from school.

"Actually," she said, "We've been talking about hiring someone at my law firm part time to get us caught up on our filing.  I thought you'd be perfect for it, but I didn't think you wanted to work."

I assured I would be interested, and the conversation moved on to other topics.  But a few weeks later, she texted asking if she could buy me lunch and talk about this a bit more.  (I told her she is ALWAYS welcome to buy me lunch!)  And, long story short, now I started working for her this week!

Basically, they have a small office that has turned into a messy place to throw files.  The files need to be shipped to storage and closed and there's a whole complicated procedure for doing it right, and the secretary is too busy to do any of that, so she's showing me what to do and I'm trying to learn it all as fast as I can.  Once the room is finished, they figured they'd probably find other stuff for me to do, but if either party feels this isn't working very well, we can easily be finished at that point.  So I can re-evaluate if I really think this is worth the money or not.

It's a very small firm, and everyone has been very nice to me.  It's also all women, and they pride themselves on being family friendly.  Which means no one panicked when I said I might be late because of orthodontist appointments and school buses not running on time my second day of work, so that's nice.  I'm only working two days a week, and only from 9am to 2pm, so it's really not that much time.  And yet-- trying to figure out when to do all the stuff I normally would do while I'm at work is exhausting.  Seriously, how do working moms do all this???  But hopefully I'll get it sorted out!

In the meantime, it's exciting to say I have a job!

It's also a little crazy to compare this to the library position, because it pays way better, is much closer to my house, and has perfectly flexible hours.  So it's basically a thousand times better-- who knew there was a much better job just waiting for me!


Erin said...

Congrats!! Love everything about this - better pay, flexibility, all of it. And love that it's all women - dietetics is almost entirely women and I adore that I don't have to stress about the stupid stuff I'd have to in a male dominated field.

Two days a week sounds perfect! When G was little 2 days a week was just what I needed to keep me sane. Also, it's okay to give in to the exhaustion initially. When I started at the hospital I came home and went straight to sleep for at least two weeks straight before I settled in and started to get a handle on balancing work and home stuff. You'll figure it out in no time, I'm sure!

Alanna said...

Thanks, Erin!!! Tuesday morning I was sort of wondering why I was doing this to myself and seeing your comment really helped me feel like I would be okay (and it was a good week, so you were right!)!