Monday, June 10, 2024

Oh, No, We're Not Done with May Yet

Just a few more days of May to cover...  Thursday was a big tennis day around here.  Camille had her last session of Girls Rule the Court:

I hate those pants so much.  They were slightly short when Craig bought them, and she just keeps growing and wearing them, despite the ridiculous length!
I think I love this program more than Camille does, but it's really super cool!  Unfortunately, she had some fairly hot days of it this semester, so it wasn't her favorite thing.  But how wonderful to get girls involved in tennis so early?  I don't know a THING about this sport, but it seems like an excellent way to stay in shape for life, there are tennis courts just about everywhere, it's way cheaper than golf...  I wish I'd learned to play!

So that wrapped up, and then that evening was the end of year party for Bentley's tennis team, too!  The two times they'd tried to celebrate the seniors had been rained out, so this also became senior night.  And the weather could NOT have been more delightful, it was such a beautiful evening.  We all met at Coach Shep's house, where I learned that his wife teaches bio-ethics at UVA Law, which explained their amazing home and yard (Coach Shep also has his PhD in something and I think he retired and then began teaching just for the fun of it?  I'm not really sure, but I do know that he's a lot more than just a tennis coach).  It was so pleasant sitting outside in the shade, but unfortunately, all that dappled light made for terrible pictures!  Oh, well...  😂

The whole team
All the seniors got their posters and a rose for their parents.  Somehow we got two, but I wasn't going to complain about that!

All the seniors
After we were done eating (Craig and I had a lovely time chatting with Rudy's parents, who we'd never met before, but who were very fun to talk to.  Figures we'd meet them on the last day!) everyone went inside and the coaches talked about each boy and how he'd contributed to the team.  It was really nice.  When it was Bentley's turn, Coach Shep (who has a PhD in something and also taught one of Bentley's dual enrollment classes) talked about his wry wit and his genuine curiosity about everything, and it made me happy.  I was a proud mama!  
After that Craig and I headed home, and left Bentley playing corn hole with his friends as the sun went down.  We talked about how we hadn't been involved with the team at all and maybe we should feel bad about that, but then we realized that we never got involved because a) we're too busy but also b) Bentley actively discouraged us every step of the way.  He threatened that if we came to one of his matches to watch him, he would refuse to play!  Craig then pointed out that, since we're so up in Bentley's business with ALL the church activities, maybe it was a good thing that he could have something that was just his, without us tagging along.  That made me feel better.  I hope Craig's right about that.  (Although if not-- as we always joke-- I guess this will be something they can tell their therapist about some day!)

I was planning on cleaning house, running to Costco, and getting a good nap on Friday.  And then Ryder woke up with pinkeye.  So I spent my day taking him to the doctor and going to the pharmacist instead.  And I made the kids clean up while I tried to figure out what I needed from Costco.

Tom and Donna took us out for dinner that night at Aberdeen Barn, a very homey steakhouse.  But I didn't take any pictures of any of it.  (Tell me I'm not a millennial without telling me I'm not a millennial!)  In the middle of dinner, my friend Rachel texted me this video of Zevi:
I cannot even say how much I loved this.  He still loves me!  I actually ran into him at the pool a couple weeks ago-- he showed me a Bluey toy that someone had left behind and we talked about how great Bluey is.  I asked why he loved Bluey and Zevi said, "Because he's kind!"  What a sweetie (never mind that Bluey is a girl)!

I was hoping I could run to Costco right after dinner, but first I had to drop Kendra off at AHS's jazz dance.  Once she and Topher
(how cute are they?)
had gone inside, I popped by Megan's car to explain that I didn't have time to visit since Costco was closing in fifteen minutes.  And Megan very kindly offered to do my shopping for me the next day, so I hopped inside her car and we had a nice chat before I returned home and texted her my shopping list later.  

And-- ohmygosh-- that was the last day of May!  We'd survived Maycember!  But only because, as you can see, I got a little help from my friends.  Okay, a LOT of help from my friends the next day.  The Beatles got that right!

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