Monday, July 29, 2024

Another Two Weeks of In-Between Time

After that wild weekend, we had two weeks AT HOME.  Craig and I were determined to just enjoy this time.  He had a pretty light schedule at work and could leave fairly early.  And I didn't do much other than making sure we had food in the house and the kids were occasionally doing something other than staring at a screen.  But, of course, that doesn't mean nothing happened.  We had our annual YM/YW/Activity Days Pool Party, and I think it was a rousing success (even though the grill was broken so we only had snacks rather than hamburgers and hotdogs; honestly, that made things a LOT easier for me!!!):

This was an incredibly intense game of pool basketball.  Every single person I spoke with who'd been involved came away with their toes BLEEDING from scraping their feet up against the floor of the pool.  Gross.  Men are weird.

There was also volleyball going on

And a fair number of grown ups opted to just watch everything

Maisie and McKinley already look like sisters, so for them to come in matching cowboy hats was almost too much.  But in an awesome way.

Here you can see the fierce competition!

This is adorable (I love Camille on the very end!)

I happened to notice something on our dining room window and thought for a moment that either wasps or a HUGE caterpillar were building a home against our window.  Then I looked closer and saw what it really was:
Clinging for dear life, from the looks of it!  Did he seriously climb all the way up???
I celebrated my birthday!  I'm 45 now, which sounds quite old to me.  I am halfway through my forties!!!  Also, Craig managed to take THE WORST picture of me.  I would be mad except I think it's so funny.  I look like a pig.  But-- maybe?-- a cute pig?
Seriously, why am I pulling that face???  Oh, well.  Adam made me cheesecake brownies and they were delicious!
See, I don't always look like a pig!!!
It was a fairly low-key day, since it was on a Sunday.  The night before, Craig and I went out to dinner at Kanak (our local Indian food restaurant) and spent half the evening staring at the footage of Trump getting shot.  Then we hit Marshall's and got a few things we probably didn't need (but I love having new hand towels so much!!!) and finished up with ice cream at Coldstone.  We were just sitting down with our Love It sized cups when my friend Brittney walked in-- she had come in to buy a gift card for me!  What a fabulous friend!!!  More ice cream for me!!!

On the actual day, I made the young women sing to me, and Craig made Tortellini Bacon Bake and Knock-off Crumbl Oreo cookies for me.  And I got those cheesecake brownies from Adam!  So it was a pretty great day!
And the cherry on top was getting a hug from my birthday unicorn!
And speaking of Camille, she started back up with gymnastics and I thought this little photo op was super cute!
Kendra has been hard at work getting her hours in for driving, and she finally completed them (thanks to a couple joyrides to Waynesboro with Craig!) which means she now has... her... DRIVER'S LICENSE!!!
The funny thing is that we had to go to Craig's old school, AHS, to pick it up, and while we were there, the principal of Walton Middle School (who's name actually happens to be Mr. Walton) was there with his son also getting his driver's license!  So we joked that it was principal's kids' day at the AHS DMV!

Literally the next day Bentley got his wisdom teeth out.  THAT was a new experience for Craig and I!  It was pretty funny seeing Bentley all drugged up and numb...  Honestly, considering all that, he's fairly lucid in this video...

For the most part he's been recovering well!  And that's one less thing to slow him down when he puts in his mission papers next year...!  😬  We'd prepared by buying lots of jello and pudding and mac'n'cheese for him.  And, of course, as soon as the surgery was done we stopped by Costco to get his painkillers.  I had to show my driver's license since codeine is apparently a controlled substance.  And the pharmacist very kindly pointed out that my license was expired!!!  It had expired on my birthday and the DMV hadn't notified me and I hadn't noticed!  So we took Bentley home and got him all settled and, since Craig had taken the day off work, I raced out and managed to get it renewed very quickly-- seriously, I had barely finished filling out the form when they called my number!  So that felt like a tiny miracle and I'm glad I have a license again.  Phew!  (Between that and my expired temple recommend a couple months ago, I feel like I am NOT on my A-game!)

In the summer time, all Craig wants to do is eat dinner at the pool.  This is challenging for me, because it's not my usual way of cooking and requires me to be able to transport everything (and not use any glass containers, which are verboten at the pool), so it's always a little tricky making this work.  So we'd planned a day when we were just going to grill hamburgers and hotdogs and everything was all set when, sure enough, a huge storm was rolling in right as we were getting ready to go.  (Can I just say-- the weather forecasting in the summer is terrible.)  We just carried on anyway.  Once it started thundering we made the kids get out of the pool.  The grill is sheltered under a deck, so we munched on our hamburgers and by the time we were done eating, the sun was coming out again.  It wasn't ideal, but it was pretty funny and the kids had a great time.  No one got struck by lightning.  I call that a win!
Perfect pool weather! 😭

Sydney and Beth got a new screened in porch built on their house (I want one some day!) so their mom sent me this picture-- I just love how their dog Lexie looks slightly crazy, but oh so happy!  Reminds me of Dug from Pixar's Up!  

And that was our two weeks gone in a snap!  Suddenly I was running around trying to get packed for my next adventure: Young Women's camp!

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