Thursday, September 12, 2024

And Back to Life!

Me being gone (and having my heart slowly chipped away into little pieces) did not stop life from happening!  And so we will carry on with the blogging of it all, too!

While Bentley and I were in Utah, they had our ward summer activity!  This was traditionally the Pioneer Day activity, but July tends to be too busy (in Utah, Pioneer Day is a recognized state holiday and everyone gets July 24th off for it!) and we figure since we all live on the east coast we're not quite as invested in the whole "trek to Utah" aspect of it, so it's just a summer activity that happens in August now.  And, actually, we get a huge turnout, so I guess no one objects to that!

Anyway, like I said, I wasn't there, but a few other people took pictures and shared them, so now I can share them with you, too!

Here's Camille (blue) fighting Peter (we think?)

And Ryder (orange) fighting Truman (Ryder would like it to be made known that he won!)

And the zipline was a big hit

Kendra with Sabrina and Luci

And Colton with Calvin (Sabrina and Luci's little brother!)

How cute are these girls?

But the best part is always the giant slip-and-slide:

Ryder didn't expect Truman to keep going so far at the bottom until he got crashed into!

(I like Camille in the back cheering Ryder along!)

And here's the enormous bruise Craig got when his knee got caught in a tear on the slip-and-slide!  Yikes!

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