Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Demanding Baby

As an infant, nothing made Camille happier than being held.  We referred to her as "She Who Must Be Held At All Times" or "She Who Must Not Be Set Down.  Ever."  She's the only kid I've had who hated her swing-- she just wanted to be wrapped up safely in someone's arms.

Now that she can crawl all over the place and get up on her knees (not much standing still-- we like to take these things very slowly here), she does not need to be held all the time.  So thank goodness for that.
Somehow we've managed this rather awkward position without figuring out how to stand up against the couch...?

However.  (You knew that was coming.)

Now, she likes to crawl all over the house.  Which is fine.  But while she's busy exploring things, she insists that I stay in one place.  If I move around, she gets very nervous and starts following me around crying after me.  It's a bit hypocritical if you ask me-- oh, sure, you're mobile but I don't get to be?  But regardless of my opinion on the matter, it's the way things are now.  Mommy moving around = grumpy Camille.  (And of course, the closer she's getting to nap time the more unhappy this makes her.)  And it turns out that there are very few things I can get done while staying in one place.  Even yesterday when I was making something in the crock pot-- which ought to just have meant standing around in the kitchen chopping and stirring-- I was constantly getting called hither and thither to stop a fight, wipe someone's tush, get drinks of water, feed the chickens, put clothes in the dryer... (Don't worry-- I was washing my hands a LOT during all these tasks!)  So, yes, staying in one place is challenging.

But there is an upside to this.  Now, when I decide to take a break and sit on the couch, mindlessly staring at my phone for a few minutes, I tell myself: I'm not lazy-- I'm just keeping my baby happy!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Ugh. This was Gareth. It wasn't enough to be held as a baby - he wanted us to hold him and move around. I guess since he couldn't do it himself it was obvious that we should be his legs. And just wanting 100% of your attention all the time. It definitely got better when he could move himself around, but we also went through a stage of him being allowed to explore but heaven forbid I should change location. So glad he's past that. I hope Camille moves past this stage soon!