Sunday, January 24, 2016

I Stand Corrected

Of course, as soon as I blogged that Camille couldn't stand up, she figured out how to do it.  Nothing gets the women in my family motivated faster than telling us we can't do it.  (This is the main reason I changed my name when we got married-- I hadn't really made up my mind what I was going to do until my oldest sister tried to tell me I shouldn't!  Craig is still thankful to her for starting that argument and thus saving him a lot of time trying to gently persuade me to change my name to Smith!)

Anyway.  Yesterday, Camille suddenly turned into a standing fiend.  Every time we turned around she was standing against something!

I'm pretty sure she could have done it the day before, but I left her in a sleep sack all day because it was so cold.  I'm not even sure that I could figure out how to stand up in one of those!

So, yes, another milestone reached!  Camille can stand up without any help!  That baby...  She'll be walking earlier than any of my other late-walking kids!  As soon as we tell her how much she can't!

*The pun in the title of this blog was totally intentional.  Obviously!

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