Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Head's Up

I'm back. Just so you know. I've been gone since the 8th-- the longest I've ever been gone since moving to Virginia, come to think of it! It feels so good to be home. And contrary to all my worst fears, the house was not covered in ants when we walked in the door. In fact, our neighbors had even mowed our lawn for us, so the house was looking surprisingly good. Phew! I'm very excited to sleep in my own bed again. Actually, after spending the last few nights on an air mattress, I'm excited to sleep in a bed at all. The fact that the kids will NOT be sharing the room with me is just an added bonus!

We have been out doing way too many fun things and eating WAY too much food with lots of great family and friends in both Houston and Seattle. And I'm afraid that I will have to blog excessively about it and share way too many pictures. And in addition to all the normal fun vacation-y things, we also had a wedding AND another baby born (this time to my oldest sister, Leah). So I've got a lot to tell you about.

Stay tuned. Or if you're one of those people who hates these kinds of blog posts, um, stay untuned? But either way, at least you know what's coming. It's good to be forewarned, right?


Juliana said...

I, personally, am someone who LOVES those type of blog posts. (We are talking about the kinds with stories, pictures and mores stories, right?) I'm excited to hear/read it all.

It was SO GREAT to see you (really!), but I'm also excited to get caught up on all your fun adventures that we missed out on too. :)

Natalie R. said...

I can't wait to scroll up and see all the pictures (I'm catching up by reading older posts first)! :0)