Monday, July 5, 2010

Thus it begins.

My mom and sister (Tracy) came for a quick visit this weekend. Tracy had the idea that we should all go see Toy Story 3, which was lots of fun (except, in my overly emotional pregnant state, the ending totally had me sobbing. I hate that). It was the first time I'd ever taken my kids to a movie-- it always seemed like too much money to spend when I didn't even know how they'd react. But they were great. I may have made too much of a big deal about how they needed to be quiet, because even when I asked Bentley if he was enjoying it, all he would do was nod his head. But better that than have them whispering all throughout the show, right?

Anyway, right at the beginning, before I passed her off to Aunt Tracy, I had Kendra sitting on my lap, leaning against me. Apparently Lucky didn't like this so much, and gave some hearty kicks against his/her big sister (which went completely unnoticed by Kendra).

It's good to know sibling rivalry starts in the womb.

On a completely different note, I do feel like I should tell the rest of the story of Craig's finger-- I wasn't trying to leave you hanging with that last post, but I guess I did. But if you're someone with a weak stomach, don't read this, because it is a little gross.

Apparently Craig was cutting drywall, using a sheet of metal as a straight edge. Something slipped and he sliced off the very tip of his finger. Ouch. It wasn't big enough for the doctor to reattach it, but we didn't know that would be the case, so I got to put the piece of finger in a plastic bag and pack it on ice, just in case. That just about made me throw up. The doctor took good care of Craig, though, and got him on antibiotics and codine. This is one of those wounds that's more painful than bloody, although it has managed to ooze blood every time Craig changes the bandages. (He thought this was pretty gross, so in an effort to be helpful, I pointed out to him that women bleed for a week every month. He didn't seem to find this very comforting...)

The upshot in all this is that the wound wasn't too bad, but Craig will probably have a slightly weird looking finger from now on. Mostly I'm just thankful he had the good sense to not use his new chainsaw while I was away from the house. If he was having an accident-prone day, this was the better way for it to happen! And he's bought himself a really good straight edge to use now, which I think is a good investment.

I'm not going to include pictures of this one. If you're really curious, just ask Craig to pull off the band-aids for a second!


)en said...

Oh man! that sucks. But weirdly, i have often said things like, "Man, why can't we bleed from somewhere else every month.. like your finger? that would be fine. Totally not in my way." Ha ha. TMI, and you're welcome.

Natalie R. said...

First of all, Jen's comment made me laugh - that was hilarious. Second, I'm glad, Alanna, that you didn't share any pictures!! I hope that Craig's finger is well on the mend and doing much better.

I'm glad you got to see Toy Story, too! That's so fun, I'm hoping we'll get a chance to see it on Saturday. It will be interesting to see how Samuel does in the movie theater!

Natalie R. said...

P.S. We got to take Samuel to Toy Story on Saturday, and it was pretty fun to watch his face when the screen first lit up with the previews! He couldn't believe how big the "TV" was! ;0)

Juliana said...
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Juliana said...

I still remember the first movie my parents took me to--The Little Mermaid. I thought it was AMAZING. And sat on my dad's lap the entire time--just to be safe. :)

And I LOVED Toy Story. All of them.

Nicole said...

ah, toy story. i haven't seen it yet, but i love the first two. and your story about being quiet in the theater made me laugh. your finger story, however, did not. okay, maybe the part about you packing the tip on ice did, but only a little. i hope the healing is going nicely.