Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bad Thoughts

In my darker moments, I think about showing up to the church Halloween party looking like this:

Thank you, Awkward Family Photos, for this little gem...!

And then I laugh and laugh and laugh.

And then I wonder who would be more embarrassed by it all-- all the poor ward members forced to see my stomach and fat rolls?  Or me for letting it be seen?

Then I thank my lucky stars that I have enough sense to never ever do this.

And then I realize that I'm kind of a jerk for thinking I'm better than these poor dopes.  And I feel sort of guilty about that, but not guilty enough to change my mind.

And then I wonder if I might be destined for hell for my arrogance.

Which, of course, leads me to wondering about what other awful Halloween costumes I could come up with, since I'm probably going to hell anyway.

Yes?  Maybe?  I bet Craig could do a WAY better job with the finger painting!

It's a vicious cycle.

I'm blaming it on the hormones.


Erin said...

I know what you need for when the baby's born!
It makes me chuckle to think of nursing a baby in sacrament meeting with the babe wearing that hat. :D

Vangie said...

Oh that is funny! I totally needed a laugh and this post was perfect!

If you are going to hell, we'll be standing next to each other! ;)