Friday, May 3, 2013

A Rose by Any Other Name...

Based on my extensive internet research (WebMD and the Mayo Clinic, thank you very much), I think what I've been fighting off for the last week or so is a sinus infection.  I've had the usual cold symptoms-- cough, runny nose, congestion.  And my voice sounds like Demi Moore.  Or possibly a man.  The only thing that makes this different from your standard cold is that by the afternoon, I'll develop a headache around my sinuses and whatever patience I might posses goes out the window.  An ibuprofen will usually restore some semblance of sanity to me, and then I'm fine until the next afternoon.

It's weird.  Not horrible like some colds can be.  But kind of weird.

And I think it's slowly getting better-- I no longer have a cough and my nose is getting less gross.

But the really crazy thing is that for one day, I completely lost my sense of smell!   It wasn't something that particularly bothered me-- it turns out that it's hard to notice a lack of scent throughout your day.  It didn't really even hit me that this was a problem until I changed Ryder's diaper and was surprised to discover that he was poopy!  I'd had no idea, and trust me, usually it's not hard to notice when he needs a diaper change, if you know what I mean!

But the real kicker was later that same day when I went to Victoria's Secret.  I'd gotten a coupon for a free bottle of perfume, so I went to cash in on that (up to a $14 value with no purchase necessary-- woot woot!!!).  I was planning on getting their "Love Spell" scent, since it smells delicious, but figured I'd give the other ones a sniff, just in case I was in the mood for a change.  But the first bottle I smelled had no scent at all, so I just went with what I knew I liked.

When I got home, I sprayed it on me, and was shocked when it didn't smell like anything, either!  For all I could tell, I could have just spritzed myself with water!  I was complaining to Craig and wondering out loud if maybe the first spritz really was just water and I would need to spray it again to get to the good stuff out when Craig intervened-- "I can smell it from here!  Don't spray it again!" he hollered across the room.

Really, I'd had no idea.

I hope I get my sense of smell back sooner rather than later.  I imagine food will taste better once it's back.

But in the meantime, would you please let me know if any of my kids smell bad?

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