Monday, October 6, 2014


Friday was my ultrasound!  It actually was the lamest ultrasound I've ever had-- the technician sat there taking pictures for a full half-hour while the screen was turned completely away from me.  I couldn't see a single thing.  And laying flat on my back like that for so long hurt my tailbone.  Once she was done, she finally turned the screen to me, showed me a few pictures of the baby, and pronounced us finished.  All that and I barely saw my baby at all!

Oh, well.  Everything seemed in good order, so that's all that really matters.  (Not that the technician would tell us that, either.  But she was pretty friendly throughout the whole thing, and I just can't believe anyone could act like that if they were finding problems with a baby.  Right?  Right???)  And baby faces do tend to look like Skeletor, so it's not like I was getting the clearest picture of what to look forward to. 

Craig, who got to see the entire thing thought it was great.  The baby would wave an arm and he'd get this perfect gooshy grin on his face.  Watching Craig was about the only thing I got to do the entire time, so it's nice that he seemed to be enjoying the show, at least.  He even got to announce to me what our baby's gender is: we're having a girl!

I will admit to being very excited about that.  I absolutely adore baby boys, but I do sort of feel sorry for the odd-man-out when you have families with all but one gender or the other.  (I have no problems with families of all girls or all boys, since that was what I grew up with.  And honestly, I've never heard of someone with all brothers or all sisters feeling cheated by their circumstances, so my feelings of sympathy are probably silly.  But it's just how I feel.)  So, if we'd been having another boy, I would have felt sort of sad for Kendra.  And then I would have had to worry about whether or not we should think about having another one down the road in hopes of providing her with a sister (because I'm about the biggest fan of sisters EVER)...  Now we can dispense with all that and just be glad for what we're getting: another girl, who will balance things out a bit!

Despite the fact that our ultrasound technician was completely lame, she did get a couple decent pictures:

This is my favorite, with her arm tucked under her chin like that.  So precious!

And I love profile shots, even though all my babies look exactly the same in them...

So there you have it-- we're going to be a boy-girl-boy-boy-girl family!  I love it!  It feels just exactly right to me.

And, now Craig and I can begin arguing about names in earnest! 


Tracy said...

Sometimes I really with blogs had a like button. Congrats!!

Patrice said...

That first "inside" glimpse is so exciting! It does seem like Kendra should get a sister since she is no longer the only granddaughter!

Jen Evans said...

If only I'd read this before chatting with you today - sisters!!! Congrats and I'm glad everything is well!!

Nancy said...

Congrats! And a girl is perfect because you won't have Kendra in several years still trying to talk you into having another baby in hopes of a girl. Brandon told Ella the other night she should probably start setting her sights on marrying a boy with lots of sisters. :)

Natalie R. said...

So exciting!!!!!!! I can't wait to have another niece!! :-D